Hello my inquisitive friend! 

Welcome to my Blog! I am a Bengali woman, married to a Bihari man and currently settled in Ontario, Canada. Originally from India(duh!), we moved to Canada in March 2018 with the intention to start over. What happened to us before this does not matter and is not a part of this blog. While I may go over certain aspects of it in my upcoming posts, the majority of this blog will be based on our lives since we landed in Canada. 

How this blog started : I had thought of starting a blog for a few years now. While the intention has always been there, I wasn’t ready to start. By that I mean that I like to plan and prepare before I take on a new venture and I wasn’t prepared till now. In order to prepare, I gave myself some time to ruminate about the idea and the responsibility of having my own blog. Let’s be honest, while everyone has the right to say anything they want, I wanted to make sure that I really wanted to say these things and that I would not use this platform to hurt anyone intentionally. I needed to learn to write better, know more about myself, and most importantly, have something worth sharing. In the end, I have come to the conclusion that I am enough. So whatever I can share, to inspire, to help, to entertain and to provide companionship, I will do through this blog. I am starting this blog for myself. To give myself the permission to write, to immortalize(nothing on the internet ever vanishes completely), to fail and to learn though this little space of mine. In the vastness of the digital world, I now own a little real estate! 

This blog will be unapologetically me. My struggles, triumphs, shortcomings, my husband, my life and everything that I can and will write about. I may also write a few short stories and share them with you guys and if you have stories of your own, please feel free to share them with me. I read and I am a pretty awesome listener(not too modest though but I am working on it!)

This blog will, by no means be perfect. I am an imperfect being and I will make mistakes, but I will learn from them. Please share your thoughts and voice your opinions. As long as they are done respectfully and with no malice, I will listen. However, if you are disrespectful, you will be met with a cold immovable force. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

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